Join the Kinvolk team at FOSDEM 2018!
FOSDEM, the premier European open source event that takes place in Brussels, is right around the corner! Most of the Kinvolk team is heading there for a collaborative weekend, with three of our engineers giving talks.
Kinvolk Talk Schedule
Sunday, February 4, 2018
10:00 - 10:25: Zeeshan Ali, "Rust memory management"
Zeeshan, software engineer at Kinvolk, will give a quick introduction to memory management concepts of Rust, a system of programming language that focuses on safety and performance simultaneously. -
11:30 - 11:50: Iago López Galeiras, "State of the rkt container runtime and its Kubernetes integration"
Iago, technical lead & co-founder at Kinvolk, will be diving into rkt container runtime and its Kubernetes integration, specifically looking at the progress of rkt and rktlet and the Kubernetes CRI implementation of rkt. -
15:05 - 15:25: Alban Crequy, "Exploring container image distribution with casync"
Alban, CTO and co-founder at Kinvolk, will explore container image distribution with casync, a content-addressable data synchronization tool.
We're looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.
Follow us on Twitter to see what we are up to at the conference!