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All Systems Go! - The Userspace Linux Conference

Chris Kühl

At Kinvolk we spend a lot of time working on and talking about the Linux userspace. We can regularly be found presenting our work at various events and discussing the details of our work with those who are interested. These events are usually either very generally about open source, or focused on a very specific technology, like containers, systemd, or ebpf. While these events are often awesome, and absolutely essential, they simply have a focus that is either too broad, or too specific.

What we felt was missing was an event focused on the Linux userspace itself, and less on the projects and products built on top, or the kernel below. This is the focus of All Systems Go! and why we are excited to be a part of it.

All Systems Go! is designed to be a community event. Tickets to All Systems Go! are affordable — starting at less than 30 EUR — and the event takes place during the weekend, making it more accessible to hobbyists and students. It’s also conveniently scheduled to fall between DockerCon EU in Copenhagen and Open Source Summit in Prague.


To make All Systems Go! work, we’ve got to make sure that we get the people to attend who are working at this layer of the system, and on the individual projects that make up the Linux userspace. As a start, we’ve invited a first round of speakers, who also happen to be the CFP selection committee. We’re very happy to welcome to the All Systems Go! team...

While we’re happy to have this initial group of speakers, what’s really going to make All Systems Go! awesome are all the others in the community who submit their proposals and offer their perspectives and voices.


Sponsors are crucial to open source community events. All Systems Go! is no different. In fact, sponsors are essential to keeping All Systems Go! an affordable and accessible event.

We will soon be announcing our first round of sponsors. If your organization would like to be amongst that group please have a look at our sponsorship prospectus and get in touch.

See you there!

We’re looking forward to welcoming the Linux userspace community to Berlin. Hope to see you there!