Kinvolk is now a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider
The Kinvolk team is proud to announce that we are now a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider. We join an esteemed group of organizations that provide valuable services to the Kubernetes community.
Kubernetes Certified Service Providers are vetted service companies that have at least 3 Certified Kubernetes Administrators on staff, have a track record of providing development and operation services to companies, and have that work used in production.
At Kinvolk, we have collaborated with leading companies in the cloud-native community to help build cloud infrastructure technologies that integrate optimally with Linux. Companies come to Kinvolk because of our unique mix of core Linux knowledge combined with well-documented experience in applying that knowledge to modern cloud infrastructure projects. We look forward to continuing such collaborations with more partners in the Kubernetes community.
To learn more about how our team can help you build or improve your products, or the open source projects you rely on, contact us at [email protected].
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